Saturday, August 22, 2009

SwFox Vault PreConference Teaser Video

All of the preparations for this year's SwFox conference are well underway. All of the session demo's are completed and the white paper and powerpoint presentations are almost completed.

I'll be doing a rehearsal of the SQL Tips and Tricks session on Saturday Aug 29th at the special SwFox Rehearsal event in Lansing MI. I'll also be doing a rehearsal of the Vault session in Atlanta, GA on Sept 8th at the Sept. meeting of the Atlanta Fox Users Group.

Just to help spur additional interest in this year's conference, I've put together a 4 minute basic demo of the vault functionality I've built within VFP.

I hope that you find this interesting and I hope to see you at the conference in October.

Note: Blogger seemed to really shrink the video down to where its difficult to make out the content. The full-size video has been added to the SwFox videos page. Here is the direct link to the video: