Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lack of Blog Posts from the VFP community

It seems like most of the people whose VFP blogs I was following have drastically reduced their posting frequency.  About the only frequent posts that come in to Google Reader are SwFox announcements and posts from Rick Strahl and Andy Kramek.  It seems to me that people seem hesitant to post something unless its a grand and complete thought.  Rick and Andy's posts are absolutely phenomenal and I hope they don't ever change but I think they scare others away to say if you don't have a white-paper quality post - don't post it.  I know I've felt that way in the past where even though I may have a lot of interesting little topics, taking the time to polish them into a white-paper quality blog post scared me away.  

With that being said, I'm going to try to keep the frequency of my posts up and to try to keep the content lightweight where it doesn't take me more than a little bit to share either something I learned, something cool I found or something that I had forgotten about.  Hopefully the readers of this blog will benefit from that.  I'm willing to bet that the others in the community have gone through the same process where soon after they launch a blog they have all sorts of great ideas and then eventually the interest wanes and the blog goes without a post for months on end.  

I'm also curious as to the effect of Twitter on this process.  After being part of twitterville for the last few days, I'm seeing loads of traffic from the people I know in the VFP community including several of whom I used to really enjoy reading their blogs.  Since Twitter is pretty painless and you only have 140 characters to post with, it lends itself to ease of use and the social aspect of it is kind of addictive.  Are we all spending our time on Twitter instead of blogging?  Hard to say for sure.  Anyways, I've got a few ideas I'm working on that hopefully you will like. Stay tuned for the next post.  


  1. Excellent observations. I believe Twitter is partially responsible, and the concept of the time/space continuum has place some major restraints on some of us.

    Welcome to the blogosphere. Looking forward to reading your posts (as time allows {g}).

  2. I agree that Twitter is partly responsible. In my case, it's also a time issue. I'm working on a new release of Stonefield Query that's due in a month and am sweating at how long the "to do" list still is!

  3. Walt...

    I am not a Twitterer, but word has reached my nest that you are looking for some SWFox animated .gifs. Let me know what you are looking for and I should be able to send them to you tonight when I get home.

    ...Dave Aring
